Turning Ideas Into Workable Products
At NSTG Engineering we strive to provide products that are relevant to the target market and meet all of the environmental requirements. We also ensure the openness of the interfaces for all of our products and will publish/provide all customers with the pinout for each connector interface.

System Node Access Panel (SNAP)
SNAP is a fully modular GVA compliant patch panel.
The modular design allows for platform installers/integrators to build GVA compliant patch panel in a building block type approach as all modules are based upon a common chassis with common mounting points.
The current module lineup covers all of the interfaces as defined in DEF STAN 23-009 Part 1, Although not yet available, there will also be modules that are also NGVA (STANAG 4754) complaint.
Common GVA Cable Harnesses
NSTG Engineering is aiming to produce a suite of common GVA cable harnesses that can be used within a platform or in a lab environment. By ordering these cable harnesses directly from NSTG Engineering remove the time required to produce a harness drawing and conduct internal reviews.
We’re currently working to define a set of common drawings for over a million harnesses, all harnesses are DEF STAN 23-009 complaint and will also include options to ensure compliance with NGVA (STANAG 4754).
Comming Soon